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Neil Packer   Originals for sale

Neil Packer | Odysseus and Eumaeus prepared their breakfast
Neil Packer | Penelope's suitorsSOLD
Neil Packer | Odysseus and the shepherd boySOLD
Neil Packer | If only she could believe it
Neil Packer | A contest of strength and skill
Neil Packer | Bending the bowSOLD
Neil Packer | A house full of vile men
Neil Packer | Odysseus the beggar
Neil Packer | Then he and Penelope walked up the stairs
Neil Packer | Front cover case
Neil Packer | Odysseus preparedSOLD
Neil Packer | 'But That's Another Story'SOLD
Neil Packer | 'On the Trojan Side, and on the Greek Side'
Neil Packer | 'The Gods Join In'SOLD
Neil Packer | 'Where the Sirens Sing'
Neil Packer | 'Odysseus's Men Prepare for the Voyage'
Neil Packer | The Iliad and the OdysseySOLD
Neil Packer | Foucault's Pendulum, case binding base layer
Neil Packer | Foucault's Pendulum, endpaper design
Neil Packer | Foucault's Pendulum, The Sephirothic System of Ten Divine Names