Archive for the Alexis Deacon category
Alexis Deacon graphic novel originals
We’re excited to have a selection of these original paintings for sale. Alexis produced hundreds of pages for Curse of the Chosen and the originals . . . [read more]
Filed under: Alexis Deacon, Originals for sale -
Alexis Deacon, original art
I’m delighted to have some of Alexis’s original paintings for the retelling of Oscar Wilde’s The Selfish Giant. There’s a selection of them for sale, . . . [read more]
Filed under: Alexis Deacon, Children's books, Originals for sale -
Alexis Deacon, concept artist
Many will know how well Alexis can tell a story in words and images. Twenty years after the first publication of Beegu, he still gets . . . [read more]
Filed under: Alexis Deacon, TV and film -
More on Alexis Deacon
We’ve added more of Alexis’s work to the website as a reminder of his superb skills as a story teller in both words and images. . . . [read more]
Filed under: Alexis Deacon