In the 1980's John was commissioned to produce a set of paintings for
a German beer producer called Herrenhauser. At the time, John's
reputation for fantastic images was just beginning to take off and the
German advertising agency were quick to recognise this. They asked him
to produce a set of twelve paintings of different extreme landscapes –
the only request was that in each one there would be a group of one or
two people who were carrying a yellow box -at the time their beer was
packaged in a yellow box. This was relaxed and confident briefing at
its best; John enjoyed every moment and produced twelve beautiful
The brewers bought all the originals but I now have four of the initial sketches to sell. They're not large but they show the vitality and eagerness with which John set about this ideal commission.
Acrylics on board
10.5 x 6 inches (27 x 15 cms)
£200 plus VAT for the EU (or US$320) plus carriage