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Jeffrey Alan Love   Book projects: Schindler's Ark

Schindler's Ark

Jeffrey was commissioned by Suntup Editions to illustrate the collectors' edition of the book by Thomas Keneally. He said it was one of the most difficult things he'd ever been asked to do but, to me, they are an outstanding example of his work. If we are to keep that horror in our memory then these images will certainly haunt us for years to come.

Jeffrey Alan Love | Schindler's Ark, the cover
Jeffrey Alan Love | Schindler's Ark, the frontispiece
Jeffrey Alan Love | Schindler's Ark, second illustration
Jeffrey Alan Love | Schindler's Ark, third illustration
Jeffrey Alan Love | Schindler's Ark, fifth illustration
Jeffrey Alan Love | Schindler's Ark, sixth illustration
Jeffrey Alan Love | Schindler's Ark, cover illustration, unused